About Sc8s Powder Coating

My name is Steven Scates, I am 49 and been a Venice resident for 42 years. Been working my whole life to make ends meet. I have a daughter who is my world, even though she is 21 now and daddy isn’t needed as much anymore, we still find time to see each other. I am married to a wonderful woman. Not sure exactly how I managed it, but I am totally winning in the wife department. I have 3 dogs, well, 2 and the wife has one. Chewy, my homie is my saving grace at times. He feels my emotions and knows just when to be there for me. Other times, he’s just like a cat… leave me alone and let me be. Jojo who is the adopted fur child and Chewy’s best friend. I saved him from an abusive household as a baby. Although he is noisy and barks at any truck, motorcycle, dog, cat, squirrel, person, leaf or air that goes by the window… which in turn gets Freckles going (my wife’s dog). I have been married for 2 years to the most amazing woman. Everything I do is for our family. We just bought our first house a year ago and really rushed into it. Man, this place needs work, but it does have a fenced in yard for the dogs, a large(ish) garage that allows me to do my work. I pride myself on the quality of work I produce. If it isn’t up to my standards, if I wouldn’t keep it as my own… I am not happy and will not give it to the customer, you! I believe word of mouth is the best form of advertisement, which is why everything I do, it is done to the best of my ability, no ifs, and or buts about it. I would like to thank any and everyone for the chance to make a small change in their life, being it a personalized cup to a memorial cup or just coating a case to hold your favorite gun/weapon.


Powder Coating, What Is It?